Toucan Box – Pirates – June 2016

Henry attends Creation Station every Monday, and every Monday he brings back a nice picture based around a shape or theme, our entire kitchen is plastered with his weekly drawing/paintings. So naturally when we came across ToucanBox, which is designed to be fun, educational quality time with your kids, we jumped at the chance to get a free box. Please bear in mind this is designed for kids between 3-8 year olds, but when they ask for you childs age during sign-up and its below 3 they don’t stop you purchasing it they just say you may need to help out more, which naturally we would.
We signed up straight away and eagerly awaited its delivery.

They do 3 different packages Petite; £3.95 + £0.98 p&p (which is what we got.) Grande; £9.95 + £2.95 p&p (which includes more activities and a book.) And finally Super; £16.95 + £2.95 p&p (again more activities and a book.)

When it arrived we couldn’t wait for Henry to open it, especially when they go to the effort of personalising every box with your child’s name (which they ask for when you sign up.)20160625_153252.jpgSo this boxes theme was pirates. I was surprised that we received all the materials required to make a pirate map and a cardboard parrot, even down to being provided a tea bag to “stain” the map!20160625_153421
Henry loved the feathers, in fact I’m pretty sure we are still finding feather fluff all around the living room floor. But he was having fun so what’s it matter. We open up the instruction manual and stick the kettle on to brew the tea. Whilst the tea’s brewing we start to make the cardboard parrot. Henry coloured in the cutout of the parot and I glued the feathers, which brings me onto my only criticism, which was I had to get out the PVA as the provided glue stick just wasn’t sticky enough to hold the feathers onto the cardboard.


With the tea being brewed for long enough we laid down an old towel (to ensure the tea didn’t stain the carpet) scrunched up the parchment and gave Henry the provided paintbrush and just let him do his thing. Henry loves painting so he was truly in his element here, sploshing and splashing the tea around all over the parchment. Once he said “done” I picked up the parchment and put it outside to dry. Once dried we gave him the stickers and let him stick them wherever he liked. I then drew the dotted line joining the pirate ship to the “X.”
So after finishing both projects I came to the conclusion that for the price of £3.95 + £0.98 p&p, or free for us, was well worth the hour or so of enjoyment Henry got, I think any parent will say you can’t put a price on their happiness. But I would recommend going up to the next size box, if not for the book (which will always bring them enjoyment) but for the more activities your child can do.

Finally, it’s definitely worth the money and I give it a 4/5.

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