A Dad’s Nostalgia

Ghostbusters is out at the cinema, everyone’s talking about Pokémon and Nintendo are re-releasing a classic console.

Toucan Box – Pirates – June 2016

Henry attends Creation Station every Monday, and every Monday he brings back a nice picture based around a shape or theme, our entire kitchen is plastered with his weekly drawing/paintings. So naturally when we came across ToucanBox, which is designed to be fun, educational quality time with your kids, we jumped at the chance to…

The EU Referendum – An open letter to my children

To my children, It’s the 24th June 2016 and the UK has awoken to the news that we have voted to leave the European Union. This is a historical event for our nation and the world as a whole. We’ve gone through this day with our minds filled with uncertainty. The FTSE100 dropped to its…

Baking with my son and the annoyance of unisex toys

For my son’s 2nd birthday we bought him a book (among other things) and this book was Biscuit Bear. He loves this book, and subsequently loves baking. So off we went to Asda, bought some ingredients and a bear cookie cutter, came home and began to bake, he helped out with the mixing and cutting…

Bugtopia: The Zoo – Review

For my son’s 2nd birthday we decided to take Henry to a zoo. Unfortunately he broke his leg so we had to change that plan. Instead we decided to take him somewhere local for the day. That location ended up being Rutland water. Me and Shannon had been bike riding there before so we know…

Tchum, chum, chum – Bedtime Story #2

During tonight’s bedtime story I had the crazy idea of recording me and my partner Shannon reading one of Henry’s favourite books. Be warned it starts off awkwardly but hey it’s our first time behind the camera so apologies! Anyway, as you can tell from the video Henry loves it. And as myself and Shannon…

The Dad Network Live – Part 2

I’m back in my living room after a fun afternoon out in London, hanging out with many like minded Dad’s, one of which I didn’t even realise was the guest comedy act for the event! Without further ado, here’s my thoughts on a thoroughly enjoyed event. As I’m walking from Piccadilly Circus to the event…

The Dad Network Live 2016 – Part 1

  So I’m currently sat in couch H of a Virgin train service on my way to Soho, London writing a brief post on my phone, drinking some tea (as any well respected British person would.) Now if none of you have ever heard of The Dad Network, then I highly suggest a quick Google….

Bedtime Story #1

Hey everyone, This is going to be a semi regular post of my Sons bedtime story, and the antics that usually ensue. So every night we (me & Shannon) pick four books for Henry at random to make him drift off to sleep. Now for the time being this has never happened, he loves books,…

Starting A Blog

So it’s 2016 and I though I’d join the blogging revolution, although I’m pretty sure I’m far behind the blog hype. I’m the proud father of Henry (who’s pictured) 2, and soon to be a father again with the birth of Archer, who’s due in September. I’ve also got a fantastic fiancé in Shannon. I…