The EU Referendum – An open letter to my children

To my children,

It’s the 24th June 2016 and the UK has awoken to the news that we have voted to leave the European Union. This is a historical event for our nation and the world as a whole. We’ve gone through this day with our minds filled with uncertainty. The FTSE100 dropped to its lowest point since 1985. Investment in gold skyrocketed whilst investment was sold in the house building trade. David Cameron has decided to resign from being Prime Minister in October. Jeremy Corbyn the leader of the Labour Party has had a vote of no confidence filled against him. Scotland’s First Minister wants a second independence referendum. Sinn Fein want a referendum to annex Northern Ireland. The Netherlands has called into parliament to vote on whether they want a referendum. And there is even tremors of a 2nd EU referendum vote. The world has changed from this day.

I don’t know what the worlds going to look like by the time you read this. The UK could be no more, the EU may be no more, heck we might be a part of the EU again. But just let me explain why I voted leave.

As you should well know we have raised you to be very liberal-minded and open to the world. I didn’t vote because I believed in the Leave campaign. I mean lets face it, the Leave campaign was farcical. Filled with scaremongering lies, and unrealistic claims, but then again so was the Remain campaign. They stated that the false figure of £350m a week was going to be spent on the NHS, yet Nigel Farage has come out this morning and said it’s simply not true. So from that maybe you can see why listening to the media and politicians is not always a good thing. It’s best to make your mind up on such matters by reading the facts and as many various articles as possible. That is exactly what I did. And from this I determined that the EU has become an undemocratic mess. When we joined it in 1973 (it was called the Common Market then) it took 2 years before we had a referendum, which 80% wanted to remain in it. Fast forward 30 years and 51.9% wanted us to leave. A lot has changed since then, the EU now solely caters for big business now, and that goes against everything the EU was created for. Maybe when your reading this we’ve rejoined the EU and we bartered for a better deal, who knows, one can dream. Maybe we’ve left the EU fully, and although we had a turbulent few years, we’ve come out on top. Maybe you can safely own your own house at younger age than me or your mum could. I don’t really know what the future holds. But let it be known I wanted a better future for you and for your kids, this was a decision I didn’t take likely. And for me after all the research I did, I felt that future was outside of the once great EU.


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