The Dad Network Live – Part 2

I’m back in my living room after a fun afternoon out in London, hanging out with many like minded Dad’s, one of which I didn’t even realise was the guest comedy act for the event! Without further ado, here’s my thoughts on a thoroughly enjoyed event.

As I’m walking from Piccadilly Circus to the event location, I’m thinking to myself how it’s going to be and how I’m going to react being in an unknown location with “strangers,” having a bit of social anxiety, a situation like this can be awkward at times, but I need to do more things like this to better myself for Henry and Archie, as I wouldn’t want them to grow up suffering with it.

I get to the swanky hotel, flash my ticket on my phone and walk in to the basement bar. I meet Al the organiser down there, we walk in and exchange pleasantries. As soon as I walk into the bar I can see, even though it only just started, a fair amount of TDN members are here in full conversation. I queue up at the bar for an overpriced beer, (hey it’s London, why not!) turn around and realise because everyone’s already in a conversation I couldn’t very well jump right in, so I take a pew near the Anki Overdrive table and watch a few dads challenge the time trial competition, (with the chance to win an iCandy Raspberry) a nice chap in Neil comes over an introduces himself, we get talking and he challenges me to a one on one on the Anki, which I won, although he likes to blame it on a bad tutorial.

As I mill around the event, I end up near the iCandy stand, to which I end up talking to another nice chap called Phil, who mentioning about MCM Excpo, I soon realise is a bit of a nerd like me, so we get talking for a while about the various comic books movies and TV shows out at the moment. He then ends the conversation stating that he’s got to speak in a minute, little did I realise I was talking to a bloody fantastic comedian in Phil Drew, he had around a 30 minute gig, with some fantastic sections in it, especially the difference between men and woman’s orgasms. And a technical hitch with his slideshow which timed in well. He essentially inadvertantly made himself a racist by showing a picture from a well known group in America from a previous joke he made earlier in his set.

As the evening winds down, Al announces some winners, obviously everyone’s waiting on tenterhooks to who won the iCandy, but I’m actually a double winner! Yay me! I end up wining a iCandy Crossknit blanket (perfect for Archie when he arrives) and a blueberrybookids tee for me and Henry. 20160604_212323.jpg I collect my winnings, a goodie bag from the events sponsors (along with a few extras) and bid farewell. As I’m walking out I feel a sense of achievement in myself for going to the event, making some new friends and actually socialising! Big steps for me!

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