Bedtime Story #1

Hey everyone,

This is going to be a semi regular post of my Sons bedtime story, and the antics that usually ensue.

So every night we (me & Shannon) pick four books for Henry at random to make him drift off to sleep. Now for the time being this has never happened, he loves books, and would probably have us read all night if he could. Out of the four books he picks the order they are read (usually picking his favourite first) and then sits, holds them and turns the pages whilst we sit there reading them for him.

Tonights four books are; The Story of the Little Mole, Snow, Rufus & the Blackberry Monster and finally Guess How Much I Love You.

First up is Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney.

20160603_194818.jpgHenry loves this book. I also like to pretend that I’m Big Nutbrown Hare and he’s Little Nutbrown Hare.

As we’re reading this, Henry stretches his arms out to the side imitating Little Nut Brown Hare, so of course I dutifuly copy as well. As we move through the book he stretches his arms up, again imitating Little Nut Brown Hare, and again I copy. It then comes to a section where Little Nut Brown Hare says “I love you all the way up to my toes!” which causes Henry to untuck himself from bed just so he can show me and Shannon his toes, followed by lots of “toes” from him. Nearing the end of the book, Little Nut Brown Hare starts to hop around, and as soon as I say the word “hop!” he begins bouncing around on his bead. With the final sentence of the book reading “He leaned over and kissed him good night,”  Henry signs (he knows some British Sign Language) good night to the book.

Second is Rufus and the Blackberry Monster by Lisa Stubbs.

20160603_194824.jpgThis is a new book for Henry’s collection, but it does mention Archie (Rufus’ older brother) which was the main reason we purchased it, for only a £1 as well (good old Poundworld!)

As this is his newest book he doesn’t have the reactions down like he does at Guess How Much I Love You, but every time Rufus’ brother Archie is mentioned, we are greeted by the BSL for “A” and a cute “Arkey!”

Thirdly is Snow by Sam Usher.

20160603_194833.jpgNow to start with Henry didn’t want to read this, he originally picked it second, I read the first line and then he decided he wanted to read Rufus instead.

Shannon read this one, to which Henry just “tuttled” up to her and listened to every word, not taking his eyes away from the pages.

Finally we have The Story of the Little Mole by Werner Holzwarth.

20160603_194841.jpgThis one is a personal favourite of mine. Henry finds the book very silly, and Shannon joins in reading the voices of the animals (me being the voice of the mole.)

With every “Did you do this on my…” I’m greeted with Henry shouting “head!” The first animal up is a dove which according to Shannon goes “coo,”  Henry laughs. A horse greets us on the next page or should I say “orse” as Henry would put it. Shannon makes a horse noise, to which Henry tries to imitate but instead just laughs. Up next is a hare, now the hare apparently poos like a machine gun, a quote from the book “rat-a-tat-tat – fifteen little round beans shot past the moles ears” which when I say the rat-a-tat-tat will always get a laugh from Henry. A few pages on we have the cow, now when Shannon said “moo,”  Henry decided to fart with excitement at imitating a cow successfully. Now when this happened me and Shannon could do nothing but laugh, to which Henry joined in also. Near the end of the book, we finally find out who has done the business on the moles head, as I am reading the sentence, Henry is looking at me tentatively, as if he’s not been read this book before,  waiting for me to reveal who the culprit is. Turns out its “Basil!” as Henry announces before I get to read it.

So that was a bit of an insight into our bedtime with Henry, hope you enjoyed.

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